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Magic Music

As we said in the previous article, the use of sound originated by man as a way to induce moods transcended the real world. Not only was this first music used as a direct action on the world but also indirectly.

Everything reported so far on prehistoric music is not an assertion that music was a predetermining factor for the evolution of human thought, but rather one more element in all its activities that catapulted human thought to another level.

Evoking primitive thought, this discovery was very particular that the sound ordered by man aroused feelings and moods. Anyone today can verify that the percussion in any type of music and depends on how it is used gives a certain impression of strength and instills a certain energy in the listener while a melody without percussion awakens other types of sensations.

The prehistoric man did not yet know what a melody was or have any knowledge about music, he only knew that hitting a hollow log with a stone sounded better and stronger than hitting stone against stone. He hardly realized that he was raising the foundations of a musical structure that would precede him and reach our days.

The most important thing is the sense that he began to give to these sounds and that in a certain way invoked sensations, feelings, moods of those around him other than scare predators.

When human thought came to understand and recognize that there was an unknown world far from its reach, music was linked to this incomprehensible world where many things happened without there being an explanation. Just as we see a dog looking in a mirror and it is fixed behind the mirror object looking for that other dog that sees but has no smell, so the man began the search for a truth that he did not have. The music integrated that set of things that were on the other side of the mirror.

About the Author:

My name is Gabriel Beguerie, I'm a Music Teacher and Piano Teacher in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Currently I work at the Luis Gianneo Provincial Conservatory and the Art No. 1 High School.
Passionate about History in general and the History of Music in particular.


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