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Music in the Ancient World

In general, the ancient world is taken as the period between 5,000 BC and 500 AD, mainly covering the civilizations of Phenicia , Egypt and Ancient Greece . Anyway, we will move in time to 1,500 of our era to encompass all the civilizations that formed the ancient world on all continents.

We will begin this period commenting on a more generalized vision of man, where he no longer lives in nomadic groups but in sedentary communities. Man dominates the cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals. While in prehistory he lived in small groups with a leader of physical strength superior to the rest, he now lives in a community where the various groups united, the strongest men form the ruling caste, others the military caste, while the rest of the group is responsible for the task of feeding the entire community. The activities have been divided, thus having more effectiveness and greater progress. They are the first civilizations.

These early civilizations took place in the vicinity of the Nile River Delta and Mesopotamia.Geographically, the richness of the soil, the climate, the great animal variety and the permanent water throughout the year; They managed to get a large number of groups to settle in the place and unite their groups forming a large community. Surely many disputes and wars between groups occurred as well as much cultural and musical exchange. In this way, the progress was faster than in other parts of the globe.

The music also had an extraordinary progress, such that in Ancient Egypt there was already the musical scale of 7 sounds and a great variety of instruments: harp, flute and oboe. Of which we will speak in future posts about the origin of these ancient instruments. 

About the Author:

My name is Gabriel Beguerie, I'm a Music Teacher and Piano Teacher in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Currently I work at the Luis Gianneo Provincial Conservatory and the Art No. 1 High School.
Passionate about History in general and the History of Music in particular.


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