The harp of the photograph was found inside the Tomb of Any, a former Royal scribe of Aten and Amenothep II.
The similarity with the arc coming as an instrument of war can be noted. Apparently this was the favorite instrument of Egyptian culture as witnessed by thousands of paintings where it appears frequently.
The harp was used to accompany the prayers to the gods inside the temples, from which it is clear that the Egyptians already dominated the polyphony. The following video is an experimental sample of how was the sound of this instrument.
It is evident that the origin of the instruments as we have already seen: from the club the percussion, from the bow the string instruments and from the blowpipe the wind instruments. The first used for hunting or war, they start to create music and this has a religious use in ancient civilizations. Therefore prayers and music to the gods motivate success in hunting and war of all civilization.
The musician begins to have a fundamental importance in society because it depends on him that the gods are satisfied to grant other more concrete benefits.