As we have seen in previous entries, wind instruments play a preponderant role in the music of Ancient Egypt.
Here is an enumeration of the most important of which some survive today.
Ney : is a 6-hole straight flute without embouchure that survives to this day in Egyptian folk music. You can see many Egyptian paintings where the Ney appears being touched by pharaohs, so the Ney is one of the oldest instruments since it dates from at least 5,000 years.Its sound is velvety and often played accompanied with the Egyptian harp .
Chirimia : It was a wind instrument of two parallel tubes of 5 holes with reeds that sounded in unison. Its use was heterophonic since both tubes can produce different sounds. This instrument still exists in the Egyptian culture with the name of zummarah and its use has even spread throughout the Middle East including a variation of it with the same name in America especially in Guatemala.
Trumpet : It was an instrument made of copper or silver used especially in military parades and to pay homage to the dead. In the image you can see the trumpet found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
As an example in this video you can hear the ancient Egyptian flute that still lives in Egyptian folk music.