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Sounds and social scale

As we have been saying in previous articles: this use of voice and sounds led to a specialization. Some members of the groups had more facility when making imitative sounds with their voices or percussing external objects.

In this way certain members began to specialize in the use of sound, not only brute force was the most important within the group but also those who had other attributes. Hunting was not only for the more experienced chasing and killing animals but also for the individual who best imitated the sound of the animal to hunt to attract it. the better the imitation, the animal was more attracted and therefore easier to hunt for others.

This specialization had a social cost, since in a certain way the imitator was dependent on having more or less success in the hunt. This is how these individuals began to take pride in the group as well as when using objects to percuss and imitate sounds of nature that would supposedly bring community benefits: increase predators or imitate the sound of thunder for example.

As man evolved, he used his brain more and lost certain physical advantages over other hunter animals. He lost speed to pursue but using his brain he managed that instead of running and getting tired, the animals came to him; He lost strength but using his intelligence, he created utensils so that when killing his prey, no such energy is wasted; He lost his sense of smell and certain reflections due to his new processes of driving away predators and therefore began a stage of less stress with respect to the world around him.

But everything had its cost because the strongest of the group had to give spaces of hierarchy to others weaker but specialized and thus began a new stage where the community became more complex in their relationships. 

About the Author:

My name is Gabriel Beguerie, I'm a Music Teacher and Piano Teacher in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Currently I work at the Luis Gianneo Provincial Conservatory and the Art No. 1 High School.
Passionate about History in general and the History of Music in particular.


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